Diablo 3 eternal collection ps4 review ign
Diablo 3 eternal collection ps4 review ign

diablo 3 eternal collection ps4 review ign

The Diablo 3 Eternal Collection doesn’t really offer anything new apart from a Ganondorf armor set, but it does offer everything: the Reaper of Souls expansion that makes you forget about the weak fourth Act, a seventh playable character in the form of the sadistic Necromancer, and every single update and tweak that’s helped Diablo 3 realize its full, enormous potential. What is an unexpected delight is how good Diablo 3 looks on Nintendo’s portable console. This is my third trip through Diablo 3 since its original release on PC in 2012 and expansion pack-fueled debut on Xbox One in 2014, and I have to say: it still plays wonderfully.

diablo 3 eternal collection ps4 review ign

If the other Diablo 3 classes are virtuosos, the Necromancer feels more like playing a conductor.Not every six-year-old game can feel fresh and modern on a new platform, especially after you take off the 'Ohmigosh it’s on Switch so I can take it anywhere!' goggles. The core fantasy of playing an evil mastermind is strong here. They’ll even take the shape of the enemy killed, which is a really cool touch! Altogether, with the right build, I was able to have upwards of 20 undead under my command between permanent and temporary minions, which can get a little visually chaotic, but is also just a ton of fun. You can add onto that a beefy abomination, an essence spender that temporarily summons a skeletal mage, and eventually an area effect spell that raises up to ten intact corpses to fight on your side. One of the core skills you’ll get early on grants you an infinitely respawning army of seven skeleton warriors. It’s also worth noting that I’ve never seen a pet class quite as crazy as the Necromancer in any previous action RPG. Blow those up and you have a chain reaction of carnage that can clear entire rooms before the second body even hits the floor. Blow up its corpse, creating five more corpses.

diablo 3 eternal collection ps4 review ign

As things start to die, and more corpses litter the battlefield, you gain access to more potent ability options and can usually snowball that into a runaway victory. It kind of reminds me of a ramp deck in Magic: The Gathering. You can have a chain reaction of carnage that can clear entire rooms.The other implication of the corpse mechanic is that the Necromancer becomes exponentially more deadly as a fight progresses, at the cost of struggling a bit at the onset of combat.

Diablo 3 eternal collection ps4 review ign